I owe my evolution as an Excel professional to many other professionals who shared their content. Much of that content is available for free, and I built my knowledge by learning from a mix of free and paid tutorials, courses, books, etc.
I committed myself to give back to the world some of that goodness that I received from others, and I do that in the following ways:
- I share free Excel Tutorials on my YouTube channel
- I created the Excel Meetup group where other professionals get the opportunity to share their knowledge and connect with over 1,400 members.
- I speak for free at community events.
- I offer pro-bono work to not-for-profit organizations in my community.

Excel is arguably one of the most omnipresent software pieces in companies globally, big corporations included. Not surprisingly, one of the most demanded skills in the job market is Excel knowledge.
However, too often, people and businesses do not take advantage of this tool’s power and capabilities.
The MS Excel Toronto Meetup Group was born out of the necessity of establishing a space where people can come together to connect, share, and learn Excel together.
Vivek Patel, Dick Moffat, and I believe that creating awareness about Excel’s capabilities constitutes the first step to unlock a new world of possibilities for businesses, big and small. Any professional who learns how to operate Excel confidently will add an exceptionally significant advantage to their employability portfolio.
Teaching Excel users the best practices to use this tool is the last piece needed to unleash Excel’s power.
Anyone can register and attend the meetup sessions live for FREE.
Every session, we have a different presenter with valuable content to share. At the end of the session, there is always some time dedicated to an open microphone for the attendees. It is an excellent opportunity to connect with some of the best Excel Experts in the world and learn from them.
Check the next Meetups, and feel free to join us live! We would love to have you with us.
Speaker At Events
I have learned a lot from others and continue to do so every day. Giving back feels natural to me.
Sharing my knowledge with someone eager to learn has always been a gratifying experience. The best part is when I receive feedback from strangers saying how happy they are for discovering something new at one of my presentations.
On April 12, 2020, I was honored to present to the Pakistani Excel community about Power Query fundamentals.
This session was part of the BITESIZE Learning Program that is free and offers online webinars presented by different experts around the world.
Organized by Alan Murray, this event featured three speakers from around the world sharing awesome Excel tips.
I presented to the Financial Modelling meetup group in Sydney, organized by Danielle Stein Fairhurst. I presented about Advanced Filter in Excel.
I was honored for the opportunity to present the power of Excel
fundamental tools for data analysis to young girls.
I was One of 25 Excel experts invited to take part in this course as a way to help raise much-needed funds for GOAL’s Covid-19 relief work in developing countries.
Speaker at Events
(in Portuguese)
I often volunteer to speak at events where the purpose is to deliver technical content to help people improve their skills. Some of these events raise funds for charity.
No dia 16 de Abril de 2020, tive o prazer the apresentar no canal VBA na Veia, de Viviane Martins, e apresentar sobre fundamento básicos de Power Query.
On April 16, 2020, I had the pleasure of talking about the basic foundations of Power Query on Viviane Martins’ Youtube channel VBA na Veia.
No dia 13 de Maio de 2020, tive o prazer the apresentar no canal Karen Abecia – Eu Juro, Funciona!, de Karen Abecia, e apresentar sobre cuidados a ter quando se desenvolvem soluções em Power Query para evitar “armadilhas” e resultados indesejados.
On May 13, 2020, I had the pleasure to be invited to Karen Abecia’s channel – Eu Juro, Funciona ! to talk about how to take care when developing Power Query solutions to avoid “pitfalls” and unwanted results.
in the community
Together Helping Women is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping women battling cancer. Solve and Excel Consulting is proud to support this noble organization by providing them with Excel systems for sales management.